View Javadoc
1   package org.jastacry.test.utils;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   /**
6    * Helper functions for checking entropy.
7    *
8    */
9   public final class ShannonEntropy
10  {
11      private double entropy = 0.0;
13      public double getEntropy()
14      {
15          return entropy;
16      }
18      /**
19       * Constructor of class.
20       */
21      public ShannonEntropy()
22      {
23          entropy = 0.0;
24      }
26      /**
27       * Calculate entropy.
28       * 
29       * @param in
30       *            String to analyze
31       */
32      public void calculate(final String in)
33      {
34          byte[] bArray = in.getBytes();
35          calculate(bArray);
36      } // function
38      /**
39       * Calculate entropy.
40       * 
41       * @param bArray
42       *            byte array to analyze
43       */
44      public void calculate(final byte[] bArray)
45      {
46          entropy = 0.0;
47          ArrayList<ByteFreq> freqs = new ArrayList<>();
48          for (int i = 0; i < bArray.length; i++)
49          {
50              byte b = bArray[i];
51              boolean flag = true;
52              for (ByteFreq cf : freqs)
53              {
54                  if (cf.byteValue == b)
55                  {
56                      flag = false;
57                      cf.count++;
58                      break;
59                  } // if
60                  flag = true;
61              } // for
62              if (flag)
63              {
64                  freqs.add(new ByteFreq(b));
65              } // if
66          } // for
68          for (ByteFreq cf : freqs)
69          {
70              int freq = cf.count;
71              if (freq == 0)
72              {
73                  continue;
74              } // if
76              double c = (double) freq / bArray.length;
77              entropy -= log2(Math.pow(c, c));
78          } // for
79      } // function
81      /**
82       * Implement log2 function.
83       * @param x input value
84       * @return log2 of input value
85       */
86      private double log2(final double x)
87      {
88          return Math.log(x) / Math.log(2);
89      } // math function
91      @Override
92      public String toString()
93      {
94          return "Entropy: " + this.entropy;
95      } // function
97      /**
98       * inner class for array use.
99       *
100      */
101     class ByteFreq
102     {
103         public final byte byteValue;
104         public int count = 1;
106         /**
107          * inner constructor.
108          * 
109          * @param in
110          *            byte to count
111          */
112         public ByteFreq(byte in)
113         {
114             this.byteValue = in;
115         } // constructor
117     } // inner class
119 } // class ShannonEntropy